Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just passed Hospital de Orbigo

We have cycled some 35 Km's which puts us over half of the total 65 we have for today. Rabanal del Camino is our target for today, where we expect to land in the next couple of hours.

It's striking that we have seen loads more cyclists on the Camino today, we figured many of them probably chose León as their starting point.

This morning we ran into some people we had met before. Over breakfast by chance the Dutch woman, and her Swiss toy boy she picked up along the way, walked into the same bar. We are likely to run into them again I'm sure.

Couple of cyclists that just passed us, as we stopped for a picnic, are doing a Camino light. All their luggage is hauled by a mate in a van, as they lightly pedal over the trails. Such blasphemy.

The weather thus far has been very nice, we were able to take off our rain gear and go at it short sleeved.

More when we get to Rabanal.

Hasta la próxima

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Vodafone

1 comment:

  1. In Rabanal zul je niet verdwalen. Houdt met zo'n 10 straten ongeveer op. Nog wel een aardig klimmetje zo te zien. Ligt op zo'n 1.000 - 1.100 mtr. hoogte! Fijn dat het weer opgeknapt is. Wordt denk ik voor de komende dagen nog beter.
    En zoveel is duidelijk: voor jullie geen Camino light. Keep going!
