Thursday, June 11, 2009

A coffee break in Ponferada

We just cycled to Ponferada, 30 km's. This puts us at the 200 minimum for cyclists, that is if you want it all to be official. From here we need to get the minimum 2 daily stamps. We will get our first of the day here at the Ayuntamiento which is right at the terrace where we stopped for some coffee. Well, tea for me actually, as I woke up last night and projectile vomitted out my supper. Am pretty sure it must have been the Gazpacho that was dodgy. In any event I was not in my best form this morning. Cycling seems to be going alright, but I will have to watch what I eat today.

The first part of today's trail so far was made up of a relatively short climb, and a spectacularly long and winding descent towards Ponferada. It helped us get here relatively quickly. We need it as we have another 60 km to go today, which includes a tough and long climb.

After coffee we'll go and visit the castle of the Knights Templar. After that I am sure we'll need to make our way towards Triacastela, our target town for today which is in Galicia.

Meanwhile we are enjoying the sun and resting our legs.

Hasta la próxima

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Vodafone

1 comment:

  1. wat jammer nou van die gazpacho

    wij zijn ook al aan het oefenen,gisteren naar beilen gefietst,dat was wel 20km!!!

    onderweg zagen wij ook van die grote schelpen als teken dat daar een route loopt naar jullie bestemming.

    ach ja die groningers,altijd baas boven baas!

    nog veel doorzettingsvermogen toegewenst aan jullie beiden,take care,

