Saturday, June 6, 2009

Segovia, por fin...

After our close encounters with the local village idiot in Valsaín, and warming up we thought we were ready to embark on our final stretch to Segovia. Only 14 Km... However, even though our clothing had warmed up, it was certainly not dry. This we noticed as we mounted our trusted steeds, and we double backed to the warmth of the bar to change into something dry.

On our way to Segovia we decided to take a local an quiet highway. This with the intention to get there asap. Luckily we crossed the Camino on the way, which with renewed enthusiasm we tore to shreds on our way to the dreaming spires of Segovia.

We were able to find our hotel without too many complications, a lovely place right in the centre of town. (See above pictures)

After a hot shower, a change into civilian clothing we were welcomed with Segovian warm hospitality, tapas and beer. As this is my first beer in 4 weeks without as much as a drop of alcahol, I find myself writing this post on the floor looking up to the bar stool I just fell of off.

Tomorrow we plan to do about 105 Km's to a pueblo near Valladolid. We hope, and kind of expect, this to be much less demanding than the 140 K we did today criss-crossing the mountains between Madrid and Segovia. I am sure that we shall be sleeping like babies, in spite of having checked into a room with a queensize bed. What's more, we even share a matrimonial pillow. We'll see how it goes. Frans (as I) is a notorious snorer, so we are sure to entertain our neighbours with a duet that will go into Segovian history.

Before all that we will embark on our copious dinner, at a place where suckling pig is a specialty. This is not just any place, but the place to eat this Segovian dish. The pig is sure to enhance our snoring skills.

Hasta la próxima.

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Vodafone

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